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Startup Companies

Startup Consulting

If you are a startup company, you have a highly skilled and aggressive core team. Most would come from varied business cultures with unique ideas about how things should be done. A key objective is to quickly align the leadership team by unifying around a vision with clear direction and strategies. BMA Lite® offers a solution to this need.

Through a set of workshops with the senior leadership team, BMA Lite® is explained and implemented to achieve this alignment. The work is done in clear phases, spread out as determined by the leadership team.

Phases of BMA Lite® implementation:

Phase I:
A one-day workshop with the leadership team. The outcome is high-level understanding of the principles of business excellence and the Balanced Scorecard, as well as a clear mission, vision, strategic actions and associated measures in the quadrants of the Balanced Scorecard.

Phase II:
Workshops with each functional (VP) unit to develop the mission, vision, strategic actions and associated strategic measures plus ‘Services’ it delivers (See BMA Lite® Overview under BMA Lite® Menu). Alignment of the team is then accomplished through a functional ‘BMA Lite® stories’ review workshop. Phase II completes the planning needed to ensure ‘Leadership Effectiveness’.

Phase III:
This phase addresses ‘Work Effectiveness’. A series of workshops to develop ‘stories’ for the functional Services are held. This phase completes the planning necessary to ensure ‘Work Effectiveness’. If desired, Pharos Consulting offers training and proprietary templates for internal company resources to facilitate some of this work.

Phase IV:
This is the implementation support phase. There are three critical success factors associated with BMA Lite®. Once the Balanced Scorecards for the Company, the Functions and the Services are created, they must be collected, trended and used for:

  1. Company performance review,
  2. Function reporting and performance review, and
  3. Services reporting and performance review, as well as budgeting (based on the analysis of the Service’s quantifiable output and cost).

This phase needs careful nurturing for success. Pharos offers support services, as required, to the Functions and Services Primes during this phase.

Be a successful Startup